Completion of a 25 year commitment

I have 28 nieces and nephews. I began handcrafting baby gifts for them when the first one arrived, not dreaming there would be 27 more! They received hand painted rocking horses, tables and chairs, quilts etc.

This year I was determined to finish these out. I had 3 more (and then an older niece commissioned one when she saw these) to do to finish my final commitment. I got the bright idea of painting their grandma’s beloved farm on ornaments. Hindsight – life could have been so much simpler… but, that is water under the bridge. I can now say, it is completed! Much as I loved making meaningful gifts for them all these years, I am happy to have lived to complete the task.

The top one is oil on a porcelain bisque and the 3 below are oil on wood. As one niece said, then there was no way she would break it in years to come.

Sweet Lily Girl

I put out a call to my Facebook friends for pets to practice my line work and inkwash on this year. I was planning to pull out of a hat, lottery style, but I could not do it. How can we reject any of these precious pets? Fortunately the submissions were manageable and I have been working on these Inktober submissions until all are done. Here is the final one and rounds out 2022 on a lovely note.

I chose to do more line and a large brush wash on her.

Sweet Lily appeared on an ornament commission a few years ago! It was fun to revisit her cute face in another medium.